“Practical learning activities at parliamentary learning resources.”

M.4/5, M.5/5 Students in the Humanities, Political and Social Sciences (HPS) Learning Blocks and M.6/5 in the Social Sciences Program participated in the practical learning activities at the parliamentary learning resources and experienced the subjects to enhance citizenship quality as well as knowledge and understanding of the Thai parliamentary system. The activity also included the visit to the exhibition of the history of His Majesty King Prajadhipok on Thursday, December 7, 2023 at the Parliament.

There were 3 lecturers who provided knowledge to the students:

1. Mr. Jaruwat Bunprasert, the Public Relations Officer.
2. Mr. Chiwanon Kanphiwat, Civil Servant, Expert Level.
3. Mr. Suchanin Inthapaj, Administrative Officer, Expert Level.